No way, Cafe Racer!

Built in the Cafe Racer style, our white R nineT was created according to the unique ideas of our CEO, Frank Hoffmann. And it's not only a hit visually; the R nineT also scores thanks to its impressive technology. The original front fork has been extended by 15 mm and now sits lower in the triple clamp, which results in a total height of 30 mm. This not only adds more spring deflection, but together with the 15 mm longer, equally fully adjustable Wunderlich shock absorber, also improves the handling characteristics. The shock absorber and front fork can be supplied in black on request. The suspension is perfected by the adjustable Wunderlich paralever strut and the Wunderlich steering damper.

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The elevated exhaust, which allows any after-market silencer (or the standard silencer) to be fitted, creates an extremely appealing flat-track look.

The clip-on and single seat — here in light brown leather — transform this roadster into a truly athletic Cafe Racer.

It's generally said of Cafe Racers that they bet more on show than on effect. Our R nineT Cafe Racer can put on a show. But most of all, the conversion designed by our managing director Frank Hoffmann can do this: speed!

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